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GENIE SSU VIP is compliant to Super Speed USB3.0 specifications . It is a complete verification suite that helps designer to verify a USB 3.0 based designs . The VIP can behave as a host ( or a downstream port entity ) or it can behave as a device (or an upstream port entity ) based on the configuration of the VIP.
The SSU Checker and Monitor are used for protocol checking and debugging purposes . The SSU Checker has a further hierarchical division of link layer and protocol layer to do the checks pertaining to the corresponding layers . The SSU Checker and Monitor operate at the bus ( are connected to the Tx and Rx lines of the USB bus defined for USB 3.0 ) and thus can be efficiently used with any environment configuration.

Genie USB


  • Fully compliant to the Super Speed USB 3.0
  • Automatic handling of Protocol Link and physical layer packets.
  • Full LTSSM (Link Training & Status State Machine)
  • Automatic /user configurable generation of all LMP packets ( for both host and device configurations of the VIP )
  • Automatic /user configurable generation of isochronous time stamp packets ( for host configuration )
  • VIP configurable for 0 to 15 endpoints
  • Supports all 4 kinds of transactions ( control , isochronous , interrupt and bulk )
  • Support for generation of all link commands defined in the USB 3.0 specification
  • Automatic /user configurable generation of flow control packets
  • Configurable packet size for data packet payloads
  • Supports Randomization for packet fields and data payload with or without error injection
  • TS1, TS2 , TSEQ ,SKP Ordered set generation
  • Generation of packets directed for hubs also supported
  • Supports LFPS signal generation and detection
  • Supports all power management states( U1, U2 , U3)
  • Supports loopback

Product Components

    Supports packets generation as a Super Speed host. The Responses of the host can be automated or can be controlled by the user

    The BFM can respond to the transactions generated by the host or can behave in a user defined way (useful for error injection scenarios)

  • SSU Monitor
    SU monitor generates formatted LOG file and tracks the traffic of the bus which makes debugging easier

  • SSU Checker
    SSU checker provides protocol-checking capability. Checks are configurable. They can be enabled and disabled individually for a particular test. Various verbosity levels are supported for warning, debug, errors and log.


  • System Verilog source code for BFMs and test-cases
  • Complete set of fully functional BFM and test-benches for USB 3.0 components: host Device
  • Robust BFM APIs automate sending TPs/DPs, controlling automatic BFM device response behavior and link state transitions
  • Inject errors at all layers
  • Test suites include Perfectus-based host, device test-suites (which contain basic, random, user defined tests ) that target high compliance coverage from their corresponding checklists
  • Tests are self-checking, portable, and reusable on most types of designs

For more information on each component and evaluation copy please email to: info@perfectus.com or sales@perfectus.com

  © Perfectus Technology Inc.